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Jodie is a proud graduate of Pawsperity’s 2022 graduating class and is celebrating her 2-year anniversary as a professional groomer at a local salon. As a dedicated single mom, Jodie, like many parents, wants only for her children to be happy and do well in life. She adds, “I feel blessed to be a positive influence on them, instead of a negative one.”

It is no surprise, as a little girl, this animal lover always wanted to be a veterinarian. Unfortunately, Jodie’s story, and the path to where she is today, has been filled with challenges. “I cannot believe the things I have gone through in life.”

As an adult, Jodie struggled with addiction and after her mom passed away, her safety net vanished, and she lost all sight of any future. She was on the run for multiple warrants and was in an abusive marriage—all while living in a drug house with her 2-year-old daughter. She had been in complete denial about her relationship, mental health, and addiction until one day she decided her life had to change. Even with having many warrants, she found the strength to call the police.

Fortunately, instead of going to jail, Jodie was given the opportunity to do community service hours while getting treatment for addiction. Shortly after, when she was living in a domestic violence shelter, she first learned about Pawsperity and how it could change her future. “I was skeptical at first,” said Jodie. “I had no other income. I didn’t even know grooming was a thing until it was presented to me.”

While attending Pawsperity’s Grooming School, Jodie grew a lot personally and learned how to effectively communicate with others. The life skills classes, in addition to the extensive grooming curriculum, helped her prepare for a new life. “It was so nice to have grooming instructors who had already been through the program — and to not be judged. It made it ten times easier to get through it.” When asked what she enjoyed the most, the answer was easy. “The dogs,” she says with a smile. Seven months later, Jodie graduated and began a new chapter in her life.

She now has full custody over her 5-year-old daughter and her biggest advocate, her 11-year-old son. Taking her kids to Girl Scouts and Taekwondo now fills Jodie’s evenings and weekends. Because Jodie has been such a great rental tenant, the homeowner even put up a 5’ fence specifically for Jodie’s beloved dogs. Never could she have envisioned where she is today. “I enjoy every moment. I pick up my kids and go home to a place that is all mine. The bills are paid. I do it all, without any assistance.”

You can help other Pawsperity students, just like Jodie, by giving today.

For a limited time, your donation will be matched by the generosity of The Jack F. and Glenna Y. Wylie Foundation and will have twice the impact, up to our goal of $150,000.

Did you know?

  • $75 provides one student with textbooks for the entire grooming program
  • $250 provides one student with a month’s worth of goods not covered

by food stamps (gas, diapers, etc.)

  • $500 provides one student with school tuition for one week

Pawsperity could not do what it does without the support from individuals just like you to make the mission at Pawsperity possible. You can give here. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of students and their families!