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It is hard to believe summer is here! While many of you may be planning family vacations, we are entrenched in detailed planning for the latter half of 2024 . One exciting project that has been underway is our annual magazine publication. In 2023, with so much happening in our first year in our new facility, we took a break from this large project. With two issues under our belt, and many supporters missing this in-depth publication, we are thrilled to announce a third issue will be out later this fall.

A sneak peek of the behind-the-scenes photo shoot of many of our terrific graduate success stories that will be featured in our magazine will be coming soon. Don’t miss our June monthly e-blast later this month highlighting a glimpse into our 2024 issue.

Not only is our beautiful magazine an excellent opportunity for us to share what Pawsperity is all about, but it is also a way for community partners to show how they have impacted a valued charity. It reaches thousands of individuals both online and in person. If you’ve never seen our impressive publication, be sure to check out our last issue here.

If you are interested in purchasing an ad or becoming an Annual Champion for our corporate partnership program, there is limited time with upcoming deadlines upon us. Reach out to Maureen Kennedy at [email protected] and she can answer all of your questions.

Until next time, enjoy the warm weather and sunshine!

Natasha Herdman (formerly Kirsch)
Founding CEO