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I am not sure how it is already past the mid-year mark. As we embark on the hottest time in Kansas City, I hope you are staying cool. For us, it has been a full year since we launched our monthly Paw Membership Program last summer. We are very appreciative of the continued support this dedicated group of members have provided to Pawsperity each month. I want to personally thank you! If you have been looking for a way to give back, perhaps this is it.

Often times, donating is more top of mind during the holiday season. But as you may know, like most nonprofit organizations, we operate all year round and need ongoing support to continue our mission. I encourage you to consider a way to help us all year round.

Our Paw Membership program is a terrific way for individuals to support our mission every month. For as little as $19 a month, you can be part of this program—and receive wonderful perks and discounts as well. At the Silver Level, you would be paying less than 65 cents a day. Many of us would never miss that amount. More importantly, you would be helping our students transform their lives out of poverty with a new career path.

If you are interested in learning more, you can check out the details here or reach out directly to Heather at [email protected]. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Natasha Herdman (formerly Kirsch)
Founding CEO