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Within the last few hot weeks of summer, kids and families are starting to gear up for school. For Pawsperity, August means it is once again time for our students’ annual graduation. It will be the largest group of graduates yet, over 30!

We look forward to seeing families, friends, and loved ones support our graduates who will proudly walk the stage in their caps and gowns. It is a day that reminds us of possibilities, tenacity, big accomplishments, and new beginnings. The sky is truly the limit within the pet grooming profession.

Many of you dog lovers out there understand more than anyone that Global Pet Industry reports pet owners, on average, take their animals to a professional groomer five times a year. Some, as we see in our nonprofit grooming school, come much more often.

To stay competitive as a groomer, it is important to stay up to speed with new techniques, tools, and products. As a teaching school, it is imperative to the success of our future graduates’ careers to teach the latest trends with confidence. In August, Pawsperity’s grooming instructors look forward to attending SuperZoo, North America’s largest pet conference. The education and information they will receive will be brought back to Pawsperity students to enrich our already stellar training.

As August shapes up to be a busy month for both our graduating class as well as our grooming instructors, we cannot express how grateful we are for our amazing supporters. Thank you for following Pawsperity’s journey to end generational poverty.

Natasha Herdman (formerly Kirsch)
Founding CEO