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I am sure I’m not the only one loving the recent crisp and cool mornings and evenings. It’s an ideal time to enjoy the fall weather, maybe even with your canine family members, too! While I usually focus my note on our students and graduates, because they are our heart and mission, I wanted to take the opportunity to shift gears this month. I am very appreciative for all of the dog lovers and pet parents who have supported Pawsperity in one way or the other.

If you are one of those individuals or families who just happens to own a dog, or two or three, you may have initially been drawn in to us because of our pet services we offer the community. If so, thank you for entrusting us with your beloved dogs and family members. Or you may simply like to support or follow organizations that involve dogs. We tick that box as well. Whatever the reason, we are glad you are a Pawsperity fan.

As you all know, the human-animal bond is amazing. So many studies confirm what all of us who own pets already know and feel. We’ve seen it through our students in the school for sure. So it is really quite extraordinary that we get to help people and families in need by using dogs as the conduit to our end goal.

If you haven’t already, consider our doggie daycare services. With fall and back to school activities in full swing, having Fido take part in some extra activity himself may be helpful! That service is offered Tuesday-Thursday each week. You can learn more here.

Additionally, we have specials taking place frequently, on top of our already low prices, for our grooming school services (bathing, brushing, grooming, nail trims, desheds, etc.). Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see all of the latest and greatest promotions (hint, if you happen to be an owner of a Border Collie, Yorkie, or Shih Tzu, you will want to definitely check out our September specials).

Regardless of where you may fit in, when you bring your dog to us, revenue from the pet service feeds directly back to supporting our mission of ending generational poverty. Thank you for the love and care you provide to your dogs and thank you for supporting Pawsperity!

Natasha Herdman (formerly Kirsch)
Founding CEO